Welcome to the b2 Rocketry Company  

SkyAngle Parachute WebSite!


b2 Rocketry Company Profile

The b2 Rocketry Company was founded in 1996 with the mission of providing world-class aerodynamic recovery products to the Aerospace, Military, and High-Power Rocketry community. Sold exclusively through a limited number of professional dealerships, our offerings include the SkyAngle™ Classic, Classic II, and CERT-3 series of rocketry parachutes and related component products.

Our Products

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Classic & Classic II Series

CERT-3 Series

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Recovery Components

bulletInnovative Rocket Parachutes for Mid-to-High Power Recovery weights up to 22 pounds.
bulletBig and Rugged Parachutes for Large Projects (16 - 129+ lbs.) and a High-Performance 24" Drogue/Pilot Chute.
bulletDeployment Freebags™, Streamers, Swivels, Chute Protectors, Harness Straps, Shock Cords, and Delta Links.

The unique extended-panel design of the SkyAngle offers unparalleled recovery performance. Designed to spin during descent, SkyAngle parachutes don’t suffer the unstable flopping, pulsation or collapse sometimes seen in other brands. Plus, every SkyAngle features tubular nylon suspension lines around the outside canopy. Each model has been subjected to a number of manned drop tests by an independent authority on aerodynamic decelerators for the accurate determination of capacity. With thousands of successful deployments out there, SkyAngle Parachutes have proven to be superior in strength and reliability. It is THE choice for demanding rocket fliers who require the very best in a premium recovery system.

Click here to see an example of how NASA uses our parachutes! 

Send mail to bschoner@cablenet-va.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2003 b2 Rocketry All Rights Reserved. All trademarks are property of their respective owners
Last modified: October 6, 2003